Distance Sales Agreement

Distance Sale Agreement

This contract was prepared due to the obligation of making contracts for the sales performed on the Internet as per Regulation on Distant Contracts Implementation Procedures and Principles published on Official Gazette dated 27.11.2014 and numbered 29188 and its articles are as follows.

Article 1 – Subject

The subject of this contract covers the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Procedure and Principle of the Distance Sales Contracts regarding the Consumer Protection Law (numbered 6502), in terms of the sale of the service sold by the SELLER to the BUYER.

Article 2 – Parties


Title: Kaizarbook.
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: https://kaizarbook.com


The customer is the one who buys products from the site named kaizarbook.com.

Article 3 – Information About the Service Subject to the Contract

This Distance Selling Contract (hereinafter briefly referred to as the “Contract”) has been prepared in accordance with Law No. 6502 on Consumer Protection and the Regulation on Distance Contracts. The parties accept and declare that they know and understand their obligations and responsibilities arising from Law No. 6502 on Consumer Protection and the Regulation on Distance Contracts. The main features (type, quantity, description, selling price, payment method) of the Good/Product/Service are located on the SELLER’s website.

Article 4 – General Provisions

4.1 The BUYER, acknowledges and agrees that the BUYER has read and fully understood the preliminary information about the basic qualifications, selling price, and payment method, as well as the delivery of the service(s), subject to this Contract as indicated in Article 3 and that the BUYER has provided the required confirmation in the electronic environment.

4.2 Announced prices and promises are valid until updated and changed. The prices announced for a period are valid until the end of the specified period. The price of the service that the BUYER has the obligation to pay and purchased through the website is collected by the SELLER from the BUYER. The BUYER will have duly and fully paid the price of the service he/she has received by paying the fee for the service he/she has chosen through the website. The SELLER is the primary and sole addressee for the BUYER.

4.3 If the service subject to the contract is to be delivered to another person/legal entity other than the BUYER, Turk Masters shall not be liable for the refusal of the delivery by the said person/legal entity, where applicable.

4.4 The BUYER is aware that the right of withdrawal specified in Article 15 of the Distance Contracts Regulation No. 29188 dated 27 November 2014 is not possible for the service provided on the website platforms. The BUYER accepts that he/she is aware of the statement that “the contracts related to the services performed instantly in the electronic environment and the goods delivered to the consumer instantly”.

4.5 In addition to the terms of this Agreement, the parties accept, declare and undertake that they accept the provisions of Law No. 6502 on the Protection of Consumers and the Regulation on Distance Contracts.

4.6 All articles of this Agreement have been read and accepted by the BUYER and this Agreement enters into force on the date it is approved electronically by the BUYER.

Article 5 – Delivery of the Service and Delivery Method

The contract has come into force after being approved by the BUYER in an electronic environment and is executed by delivering the service purchased by the BUYER from the SELLER to the BUYER. The SELLER is obliged to provide the service in line with the BUYER information specified on the website.

Article 6 – Notifications and Evidence Agreement

Any correspondence between the Parties under the contract shall be made via e-mail, except for the compulsory cases listed in the legislation. In the disputes that may arise from the Contract, the BUYER acknowledges, declares and undertakes that the SELLER’s official books and commercial records, electronic information and computer records kept in its database, on its servers, will constitute a binding, conclusive and exclusive evidence. Also, BUYER acknowledges, declares, and undertakes that this article is in the nature of an evidence contract within the meaning of Article 193 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

ARTICLE 7 – Right of Withdrawal

Pursuant to Article 15 / f.1, ğ provisions of the Distance Contracts Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 27 November 2014 and numbered 29188, the BUYER does not have the right of withdrawal for the services that are instantly delivered to the BUYER and intangible products.

Article 8- Privacy

The information specified in this Agreement by the BUYER and the information notified to the SELLER for payment will not be shared by the SELLER with third parties. The SELLER can explain this information only in the presence of administrative/legal obligations. Credit Card information is never stored. Credit Card information is only used to securely transmit to relevant banks during the collection process and is deleted from the system after provisioning. Information such as the BUYER’s e-mail address and telephone is used only by the SELLER for standard product delivery and information procedures. In some periods, campaign information, information about new products, promotional information can be sent to the BUYER after approval.

Article 9- Authorized Court

In disputes related to this Agreement, the Consumer Problems Arbitration Committees in the BUYER’s settlement is authorized up to the value announced by the Ministry of Industry and Trade every year. The Consumer Courts are authorized for disputes over this value.

In case the order is realized, the BUYER is deemed to have accepted all the terms of this Agreement.

If you have questions or concerns regarding our distance sale agreement, please contact us at [email protected].

SELLER: KaizarBook.
BUYER The customer who buys from the site named kaizarbook.com.